docker几年前和github一样,一个用户可以创建多个组织,从而实现一个账户管理多个组织的强大功能。然而,随着Docker hub的商业化,Docker Hub Team作为一个企业付费服务,个人没必要新建组织。后续Docker官方取消个人免费账户新建组织的权限。
然而,最近 Docker Hub继续收紧政策,对已经创建Team的免费账户,发送删除组织的通知,收到通知的用户需要备份好自己的Docker镜像,否则一个月后删除Team后,所有镜像都无法访问。当然选择付费就可以保存组织啦。
Docker is sunsetting Free Team organizations
Free Team organizations are a legacy subscription tier that no longer exists. This tier included many of the same features, rates, and functionality as a paid Docker Team subscription.
After reviewing the list of accounts that are members of legacy Free Team organizations, we’ve identified yours as potentially being one of them.
If you own a legacy Free Team organization, access to paid features — including private repositories — will be suspended on April 14, 2023 (11:59 pm UTC). Upgrade your subscription before April 14, 2023 to continue accessing your organization.
If you don’t upgrade to a paid subscription, Docker will retain your organization data for 30 days, after which it will be subject to deletion. During that time, you will maintain access to any images in your public repositories, though rate limitations will apply. At any point during the 30-day period, you can restore access to your organization account if you upgrade to a paid subscription. Visit our FAQ for more information.
当然,Docker images和Github repo不一样,Docker image存储费和带宽费远远高于Github repo,比如国内的大厂,一般都只是免费10个仓库。相较而言,Docker Hub用户基数大,采取一些政策来削减成本也可以理解。实在不行,注册多个账户即可,国外可不兴实名认证,上传身份证,拍照等骚操作。
好消息,最新 Docker team 发布通知,接收到社区大量反馈,决定撤回 删除免费组织 的决定。
面对 Github Docker Container 的激烈竞争,Google k8s的分化,Docker公司过的并不好,但是在艰难阶段仍然听取社区意见,继续免费实在难得。作为一个商业公司,此举将能挽留大部分想要逃离Docker的潜在客户。